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Food And Agriculture

The essential data about food and agriculture explained in 13 infographics. Detailed charts and maps covering food loss and waste, agriculture & food, greenhouse gas and food production, world grain production, consumption, and stocks and more. Learn the truth about food and agriculture and how it relates to the state of the world on The Global Education Project website with un-biased facts from the most reliable sources.
Food Loss and Waste Approximately one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption—nearly 1.3 billion tonnes—gets lost or wasted every year. "Loss" refers to any food that is lost in the supply chain between the producer and the market from problems...
Agriculture & Food
Agricultural and food production has changed dramatically in the past 100 years as increasing population and consumption put pressure on the world's food supply. A look at the environmental impacts of agriculture and food; global distribution and nutrition;...
Greenhouse Gas and Food Production
World Grain Production, Consumption, and Stocks Increases in grain production brought about by irrigation and synthetic fertilizer and pesticide inputs have peaked and begun declining. As consumption surpasses production, the world's stocks of stored grain have been falling relative to each year's...
Arable Land and Population "In 1960, when the world population numbered only 3 billion, approximately 0.5 hectare of cropland per capita was available, the minimum area considered essential for the production of a diverse, healthy, nutritious diet of plant and animal products like...
Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Kilogram of Food
Daily Grams of Protein "Severe food insecurity is higher in 2017 than it was in 2014 in every region except Northern America and Europe, with notable increases in Africa and Latin America." --UN FAO State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2018
Biotech Food Crops The development and release of genetically engineered organisms and their products has proceeded globally at a rapid rate, facilitated by vigorous partnerships between governments, scientists and corporations. 206 GMO crops are approved for use in the...
Principal Causes of Soil Degradation "About 2 million hectares of rainfed and irrigated agricultural lands are lost to production every year due to severe land degradation, among other factors." [1] "It takes approximately 500 years to replace 25 millimeters (1 inch) of topsoil lost to...
Children Under the Age of Five Suffering From Stunting In 2020, nearly 144 million children under 5 suffer from stunting (under height), 47.0 million children under 5 were wasted (underweight) , and of those, 14.3 million were considered severely wasted. Stunting and other forms of under-nutrition are thought...
World Fertilizer Consumption by Region Nitrogen fertilizer production requires a large and affordable supply of natural gas. Natural gas is a key feedstock (up to 90 percent of the total costs) in the manufacturing of nitrogen fertilizer for which there is no practical substitute. Nitrogen...
Percentage of the Population that is Undernourished After a prolonged decline, recent estimates show global hunger increased in 2016. The failure to reduce world hunger is closely associated with the increase in conflict and violence in several parts of the world. In addition, gains made in ending hunger...
Soil Degradation in the World An estimated 75% of the Earth’s land surface has been degraded through human activities, negatively impacting the well-being of at least 3.2 billion people, pushing the planet towards a sixth mass species extinction, and costing more than 10% of the...

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