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Map of Percentage of the Population that is Undernourished

Percentage of the Population that is Undernourished
After a prolonged decline, recent estimates show global hunger increased in 2016. The failure to reduce world hunger is closely associated with the increase in conflict and violence in several parts of the world. In addition, gains made in ending hunger and malnutrition are being eroded by climate variability and exposure to more complex, frequent and intense climate extremes.

In 2020, the World Food Programme, the food-assistance branch of the United Nations, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to provide food assistance in areas of conflict, and to prevent the use of food as a weapon of war and conflict.

2005 version of this map


UN FAO State of Food Security and Nurtition in the World 2018
UN Food and Agriculture Organization FAOSTAT;

Tags: percentage of the population that is undernourished, agriculture-food

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