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Global Ecology

The essential data about global ecology explained in 20 infographics. Detailed charts, maps and images covering global ecology, global forest, forest land as percentage of total land area 1990 and 2016, world forest area 1990 - 2015 and more. Learn the truth about global ecology and how it relates to the state of the world on The Global Education Project website with un-biased facts from the most reliable sources.
Global Ecology
Population, pollution, greenhouse gases and deforestation are creating never before seen changes in Earth's living systems—including a cultural and species extinction rate that is the highest in the planet's history.
Global Forest There are just under 40,000,000 sq. km of forest area remaining on Earth. Of the remaining primary forests, only ~18% are in legally protected forests, which is approximately 5% of the original forest estimated to have covered the planet 8,000 years...
Forest Land As Percentage of Total Land Area 1990 and 2016
World Forest Area 1990 - 2015
Primary and Protected Forests Almost three quarters of Earth's remaining primary forests are in just ten countries. In addition to the countries shown in the above chart, there are only 0.46 million sq km in Indonesia, 0.45 in Venezuela, 0.36 in Bolivia, and 0.33 in Mexico. A...
Forests of British Columbia The area of British Columbia is about 95 million hectares. About 55% to 60% of the area is forest. (This precentage varies, depending on what is included; for example, federal land, Indian reserve, private land or water bodies.) Also counted as forest...
Old Forests of British Columbia Forest areas with the potential to grow very large trees are extremely rare in Britsh Columbia. Old forests on these sites are almost extinguished and will not recover from logging. "As much as 80% of the area of old forests consists of relatively...
Change in Forest Area by Region
Human Population Growth by Region Directly or indirectly, the human species already captures nearly 40% of the total biological productivity on land and 70% of the productivity of the marine environment — the "net primary productivity" of the planet — for its exclusive use. The rate...
Insects at Risk of Extinction Insects play a central role in a variety of ecosystem processes, including: pollination, nutrient cycling and providing food sources for birds, mammals and amphibians. 80% of wild plants are estimated to depend on insects for pollination and 60% of birds...
Mammals at Risk of Extinction
Birds at Risk of Extinction
Reptiles at Risk of Extinction
Amphibians at Risk of Extinction
Fishes at Risk of Extinction
Plants at Risk of Extinction
Fungi at Risk of Extinction
Antarctic Geography, Ice, and Currents
Terrestrial and Ocean Biomes Evidence is growing that the thermohaline circulation, driven by temperature and salinity, could be slowed or stopped by cold fresh water inputs to the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, diluting the salt concentration in the ocean. This could occur if...
Space Debris SPACE DEBRIS Before 1961, the entire Earth satellite population was just over 50 objects. Since 1957, about 9,600 satellites have been launched and about 5500 are still in space—and 2300 of these are still functioning. The total mass of all space objects...

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