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Map of Children Under the Age of Five Suffering From Stunting

Children Under the Age of Five Suffering From Stunting
In 2020, nearly 144 million children under 5 suffer from stunting (under height), 47.0 million children under 5 were wasted (underweight) , and of those, 14.3 million were considered severely wasted. Stunting and other forms of under-nutrition are thought to be responsible for nearly half of all child deaths globally. Poor nutrition, poor hygiene, infections, lack of clean water, and lack of healthcare to both the child and the mother are some factors that can contribute to stunting.

2005 version of this map


UNICEF, WHO, World Bank: Joint child malnutrition estimates (JME);;;
Text: UN FAO State of Food Security and Nurtition in the World 2018

Tags: children suffering from stunting, children undernourished, children under the age of five suffering from stunting, agriculture-food

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