Global Education Project EARTH
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The essential data about pollution explained in 11 infographics. Detailed charts, maps and tables covering outdoor air pollution, outdoor air pollution, arctic geography, winds, ice, and currents, global ecology and more. Learn the truth about pollution and how it relates to the state of the world on The Global Education Project website with un-biased facts from the most reliable sources.
Outdoor Air Pollution According to the 2017 Global Burden of Disease study, 3.4 million people died prematurely as a result of outdoor air pollution—more than 3 times the number who died from HIV/AIDS. Air pollution—the combination of outdoor and indoor particulate matter,...
Outdoor Air Pollution According to the 2017 Global Burden of Disease study, 3.4 million people died prematurely as a result of outdoor air pollution—more than 3 times the number who died from HIV/AIDS.
Arctic Geography, Winds, Ice, and Currents Industrial air pollution from the developed world is carried on the dominant wind currents up to the Arctic. After settling onto the tundra, snow and ice, it is absorbed into the food chain. The people and creatures there have had some of the highest...
Global Ecology
Population, pollution, greenhouse gases and deforestation are creating never before seen changes in Earth's living systems—including a cultural and species extinction rate that is the highest in the planet's history.
Marine Debris Decomposition
Toxics & Biotechnology
A look at toxic chemical use (including Glyphosate, PCBs, DDT, dioxin, PBDE, lead, and mercury); safety testing; groundwater contamination; air pollution; the increase in biotechnology and pesticides in agriculture; nuclear toxicity.
Oil Tanker Spills
Petroleum Discharges into the Oceans
Mismanaged Plastic Waste The amount of plastic debris that ends up in the oceans from the land is mostly determined by population size living within 50km of a coast and by the amount of plastic waste that is mismanaged—either littered or disposed into uncontained dumps or landfills....
Groundwater Contamination in the US "60% of the most hazardous liquid waste in the United States, 34 billion liters of solvents, heavy metals, and radioactive materials, is injected straight into deep groundwater via thousands of injection wells..." [1] "The industries requiring the...
Aquaculture Production by Country AQUACULTURE is the industrial farming in fresh or salt water of fish, mollusks, crustaceans and plants. Aquaculture is rapidly increasing its annual global harvest and seems to offer hope for increased food production. However, for some of the more than...

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