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Plastics Waste

The essential data about plastics waste explained in 6 infographics. Detailed charts covering plastics in the ocean, estimates of global plastic waste, mismanaged plastic waste, global plastic production and waste and more. Learn the truth about plastics waste and how it relates to the state of the world on The Global Education Project website with un-biased facts from the most reliable sources.
Plastics in the Ocean Rivers are a major pathway for plastic transport into the seas. Ten rivers: the Yangtze, Indus, Yellow, Hai He, Ganges, Pearl, Amur and Mekong in Asia; and the Nile and the Niger in Africa contribute about 90% of all river-driven plastics into the sea.
Estimates of Global Plastic Waste "Recycling delays, rather than avoids, final disposal. It reduces future plastic waste generation only if it displaces primary plastic production; however, this displacement is extremely difficult to establish. "Second, plastics can be destroyed thermally....
Mismanaged Plastic Waste The amount of plastic debris that ends up in the oceans from the land is mostly determined by population size living within 50km of a coast and by the amount of plastic waste that is mismanaged—either littered or disposed into uncontained dumps or landfills....
Global Plastic Production and Waste Packaging represents 26% of the total volume of plastics used. Even when managed adequately, the process of recycling plastic ultimately produces a lower quality product and the required shipping, washing, chopping and melting also has a detrimental...
This section is an overview of the steep and rapid rise in the production and use of plastics; plastic waste management and mis-management; recycling; and the prevalence of microplastic debris in the environment.
Marine Debris Decomposition

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