Full Text of Draft Security Council Resolutions
Permanent Members with “Veto Power”: United States · United Kingdom · France · Russian Federation · China “...Decisions on substantive matters require nine votes, including the concurring votes of all five permanent members. This is the rule of 'great power unanimity', often referred to as the 'veto' power. Under the Charter, all Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council. While other organs of the United Nations make recommendations to Governments, the Council alone has the power to take decisions which Member States are obligated under the Charter to carry out.” -- Source: United Nations http://www.un.org/Overview/Organs/sc.html |
S/10786 S/10974 S/11898 S/11940 S/12022 S/12119 S/13911 S/14832/Rev.1 S/14943 S/14985 S/15185 |
1972 September 10 1972 September 10 1973 July 24 1975 December 5 1976 January 23 1976 March 24 1976 June 29 1980 April 28 1982 January 19 1982 April 1 1982 April 20 1982 June 8 |
S/15347/Rev.1 S/15895 S/16732 S/17000 S/17459 S/17730/Rev.2 S/17769 S/17796.Rev.1 S/19434 S/19466 |
1982 June 25 1982 August 6 1983 August 1 1984 September 6 1985 March 11 1985 September 12 1986 January 17 1986 January 29 1986 February 6 1988 January 15 1988 January 29 |
S/19780 |
1988 April 14 |
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Security Council |
S/10784 |
Guinea, Somalia and Yugoslavia: draft resolution
Original: English
10 September 1972
The Security Council,
Deeply concerned at the deteriorating situation in the Middle East,
Calls on the parties concerned to cease immediately all military operations and
to exercise the greatest restraint in the interest of international peace and
The Security Council on 10 September 1972 voted
on the draft resolution as follows:
In favour: Argentina, Belgium, China, France, Guinea, India, Italy, Somalia,
Sudan, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.
Against: United States of
Abstained : Panama.
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Security Council |
S/10974 |
24 July 1973
Guinea, India, Indonesia, Panama, Peru,
Sudan, Yugoslavia:
draft resolution
The Security Council
Having examined comprehensively the current situation in the
Middle East,
Having heard in this context the statements of the
participants in this debate, including the Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Algeria,
chad, Guinea, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan and the United Republic of
Emphasizing its primary responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security,
Emphasizing further that all Members of the United Nations are
committed to respect the resolutions of the Security Council in accordance with
the provision of the Charter,
Reaffirming resolution 242 (1967) of 22 November 1967,
Conscious that the rights of the Palestinians have to
be safeguarded,
Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General (S/10929)
which includes an account of the objective and determined efforts of his
Special Representative since 1967,
1. Deeply regrets that the
Secretary-General was unable to report any significant progress by him or by
his Special Representative in carrying out the terms of resolution 242(1967),
and that nearly six years after its adoption a just and lasting peace in the
Middle East has still not been achieved;
2. Strongly deplores Israel's
continuing occupation of the territories occupied as a result of the 1967
conflict, contrary to the principles of the Charter;
3. Expresses serious concern at
Israel's lack of co-operation with the Special Representative of the
4. Supports the initiatives of
the Special Representative of the Secretary-General taken in conformity with
his mandate and contained in his aid-mémoire of 8 February 1971;
5. Expresses its conviction that
a just and peaceful solution of the problem of the Middle East can be achieved
only on the basis of respect for national sovereignty, territorial integrity,
the rights of all States in the area and for the rights and legitimate
aspirations of the Palestinians;
6. Declares that in the occupied
territories no changes which may obstruct a peaceful and final settlement or which
may adversely affect the political and other fundamental rights of all the
inhabitants in these territories should be introduced or recognized;
7. Requests the
Secretary-General and his Special Representative to resume and to pursue their
efforts to promote a just and peaceful solution of the Middle East problem;
8. Decides to afford the
Secretary-General and his Special Representative all support and assistance for
the discharge of their responsibilities;
9. Calls upon all parties
concerned to extend full co-operation to the Secretary-General and his Special
10. Decides to remain seized of
the problem and to meet again urgently whenever it becomes necessary.
The Security Council on 26 July 1973
voted on the draft resolution as follows:
In favour: Australia, Austria, France, Guinea, India,
Indonesia, Kenya, Panama, Peru, Sudan, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Yogoslavia.
Against: United States of America.
S/11940 |
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